Registration FAQs
We are excited that you are interested in racing with us! Below are a few FAQs to help answer questions that you may have.
Q: When does registration open?
A: a.) November 1st, 2021 for athletes that deferred their 2021 registration.
b.) January 13th, 2022 at 9:00 AM (MST) for returning athletes and general population.
Registration will fill QUICKLY! DON'T WAIT TO REGISTER!
Q: When does registration close?
A: Registration will close when the capacity is reached for each distance.
Q: How do I use a coupon?
A: Coupons need to be used during registration at check out.
Q: What if I deferred last year (*or in 2020 when the event was cancelled) and did not register before the registration filled or closed?
A: We are not responsible for athletes that did not complete registration during the re-registration window or did not login to use their deferral coupon before the registration closed.
Q: Why do I have to re-fill out registration if I deferred from last year?
A: All deferred athletes must re-fill out registration to update important event questions, emergency contact information, select a new participant t-shirt size and agree to the event waiver.
Q: Is my registration refundable?
A: No. We do not allow refunds. However, you may choose to defer your registration to the following year.
Q: Can I transfer my registration?
A: No. Registrations are not able to be transferred to other athletes or events.
Q: How do I update my information on my registration?
A: You are able to update some of the information you provided during registration. Check out the Run Signup, Registration Management articles here!
Q: How do I defer my registration to the following year?
A: You will need to login to your Run Signup athlete profile to defer your registration. Check out more information and how to defer here!
Q: Are there any discounts for currently enrolled students?
A: Yes! Student - 10% discount (email a picture of your student ID or class schedule ID to to receive a unique coupon to use at check out). Don't wait to do this. If registration is full, you will not be able to register.
Q: Are there any discounts for military?
A: Yes! Military - 10% discount (email a picture of our veteran or current ID to to receive a unique coupon to use at check out). Don't wait to do this. If registration is full, you will not be able to register.
Deferred Athletes from 2021 Leadville Trail Marathon & Heavy Half
Early Registration for athletes that deferred their 2021 registration through their athlete profile will open November 1st, 2021.
Athletes will receive an email from the Leadville Race Series through Run Signup as well as our Life Time mass communications team (just incase athlete unsubscribed from one source or another). Emails will include: Instructions, unique deferral coupon to be used at checkout, and an individual registration link.
If registration fills before a deferral is redeemed, the deferral will not be eligible to be used for future events and cannot be transferred to another event.